"With a multifaceted portrait of the internationally renowned German composer (and conductor) Matthias Pintscher (born in 1971), NEOS launches a long-term collaboration with Ensemble Contrechamps intended to comprise several editions in the future. Founded in 1980, this Geneva-based formation has long been among the world's best contemporary music ensembles. Joined by the excellent soloists Sylvia Nopper (soprano), Ernesto Molinari (clarinet), and the Basler Madrigalisten chorus, Ensemble Contrechamps here performs a representative cross-section of Pintscher's oeuvre, ranging from evocative solo works to the densely crafted atmospheres and sound fanaticism of his vocal-instrumental ensemble works. The musical direction here remains in the hands of the composer himself, following a long, internationally successful career as a conductor."
- samples -
1 A Twilight’s Song - For Soprano And Seven Instruments (1997) 9:46
Cello ? Daniel Haefliger
Clarinet ? Rene Meyer
Flute ? Rebecca Lenton
Harp ? Notburga Puskas
Lyrics By ? E. E. Cummings
Percussion ? Francois Volpe
Soprano Vocals ? Sylvia Nopper
Viola ? Genevieve Strosser
2 On A Clear Day - For Piano Solo (2004) 7:18
Piano ? Bahar Dorduncu
3 Monumento V - For Eight Female Voices, Three Violoncellos And Ensemble (1998) 14:45
Accordion ? Christophe Dufaux
Cello ? Daniel Haefliger, Francois Abeille, Olivier Marron
Choir ? Basler Madrigalisten
Clarinet ? Rene Meyer
Double Bass ? Noelle Reymond
Flute ? Rebecca LentonHarp ? Notburga Puskas
Horn ? Sylvain Guillon
Mezzo-soprano Vocals ? Brigitta Dardel, Christa Mosimann, Francisca Naf Vosnjak, Susanne Otto
Percussion ? Francois Volpe, Sebastien Cordier, Thierry Debons
Piano ? Bahar Dorduncu
Saxophone ? Pierre-Stephane Meuge
Soprano Vocals ? Daniela Burkhalter, Jennifer Rudin, Lucia Rottenecker, Svea Schildknecht
Trombone ? Jean-Marc Daviet
Trumpet ? Laurent Fabre
Viola ? Genevieve Strosser
Violin ? Nicolas Jequier
Sieben Bagatellen Mit Apotheose Der Glasharmonika - For Bass Clarinet In B Flat (1993, Rev. 2001) (18:33)
Bass Clarinet ? Ernesto Molinari
4 Bagatelle I 3:03
5 Bagatelle II 1:33
6 Bagatelle III 3:27
7 Bagatelle IV 1:24
8 Bagatelle V 3:16
9 Bagatelle VI 1:37
10 Bagatelle VII 3:11
11 Apotheosis 1:02
12 Janusgesicht - For Viola And Violoncello (2001) 9:03
Cello ? Daniel Haefliger
Viola ? Genevieve Strosser
13 Study II For Treatise On The Veil - For Violin, Viola And Violoncello (2006) 13:54
Cello ? Daniel Haefliger
Viola ? Genevieve Strosser
Violin ? Daniel Rowland
Booklet Editor ? Brigitte Weinmann, Michael Zwenzner
Composed By, Conductor, Liner Notes ? Matthias Pintscher
Cover, Photography By ? Alain Kissling
Ensemble ? Ensemble Contrechamps
Executive-Producer ? Luc Terrapon
Layout ? Dominik Weinmann
Liner Notes ? Allmuth Behrendt
Liner Notes [Translated By] ? Catherine Fourcassie, Michael Seum, Wieland Hoban
Mastered By ? Asparuh Tashev
Photography By ? Andrea Medici, Heiko Tiedmann
Producer ? Wulf Weinmann
Recorded By [Producer] ? Jan Nehring
Recorded By [Producer], Engineer, Executive-Producer ? Cecile Lenoir
Recording date: October 29, 2006 - October 31, 2006.