ERIC OSTROWSKI : Magnificent Forest [CD+DVD [?]] : noise music, experimental music, contemporary music, sound art, electronic music, improvisation, free jazz, avant-garde music, PARALLAX RECORDS online shop

ERIC OSTROWSKI : Magnificent Forest

  • Format: CD+DVD [?]
  • Shipping Weight: 0.1lbs
  • Label: End Sound


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CD-1 Flourishing Spikily Beneath 6:25
CD-2 Leaving An Interpretive Trace 6:07
CD-3 Finding Entrances 6:07
CD-4 I've Got The Time 0:32
CD-5 Poison Tree 0:51
CD-6 Firebrand 0:15
CD-7 All Day Interference 0:17
CD-8 Sacrifice On The Altar Of Convenience 0:20
CD-9 History Died Laughing 0:15
CD-10 In The Garden 0:30
CD-11 Separated States 0:25
CD-12 Zero-Zero Night Vision 0:35
CD-13 Wlecome To The New Killer Bees 0:48
CD-14 Once Upon A Time 6:07
CD-15 Come Late, Miss The Earthquake 4:47
CD-16 Through Semi-Lustrous Surfaces 1:33
CD-17 It Has Me Stumped 0:48
CD-18 Many Lives Of Water, Part One 0:28
CD-19 Many Lives Of Water, Part Two 0:20
CD-20 Dances On Bedrock 3:22
CD-21 Phantom Geography 0:45
CD-22 Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow 2:53
CD-23 Those Sexy Denuded Hills Part One 7:34
CD-24 Woodpecker 1:20
CD-25 Those Sexy Denuded Hills Part Two 2:53
CD-26 Strange Electricity 1:36
CD-27 Clenching The Veil 0:32
CD-28 Lewd Lewd Lewd 0:39
CD-29 Crypted Control 0:33
CD-30 Have You Heard The Music 0:37
CD-31 Blasting Through Nothing 0:35
CD-32 Seasonal Behaviour 4:13
CD-33 My House Or Your House 3:34
CD-34 Sung During Subsidence 6:01
DVD-1 Skull And Blackberries
DVD-2 The Hummingbird
DVD-3 The Woodpecker
DVD-4 Boom Chick A Dee
DVD-5 Bumblebee
DVD-6 Daisies
DVD-7 Bamboo
DVD-8 Pine And Cedar
DVD-9 Sidewalkography
DVD-10 The Turtle Shell

Artwork By [Layout] ? James Machine
Mastered By ? Pete Swanson
Other [Colorist] ? RK Adams
Other [Optical Printing] ? Jon Behrns (tracks: DVD-3)
Percussion ? Dave Knott (tracks: DVD-10)
Performer [Sounds] ? Garek Druss (tracks: DVD-9)
Violin ? Eric Ostrowski
Written By [Track Titles] ? Behead The Prophet (tracks: CD-4-13, 26-31), Michael Griffin (tracks: CD-1-3, 14-25, 32-34)

CD portion is comprised of improvisational pieces for violin. The DVD features Eric's abstract (as well as not so abstract) videos and also doubles as an additional disc of his music, since they'll provide the score to the vignettes. DVD also comes with four bonus films: Punkin Guts, Valentine, Pink Elephant and Trap For Nate. All films by Eric Ostrowski. Creation of this work was made possible in part by a grant from Artist Trust. Also help from: Connie Jones Ostrowski and John Ostrowski.

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