LYNDA GAUDREAU / MARTIN TETREAULT : Document 4 [Book+CD [isbn9789809778]] : noise music, experimental music, contemporary music, sound art, electronic music, improvisation, free jazz, avant-garde music, PARALLAX RECORDS online shop
WHO! 22 March 2025 SATURDAY @soto


  • Format: Book+CD [isbn9789809778]
  • Shipping Weight: 0.25lbs


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'A trilingual booklet (English-French-Dutch) that includes a CD (19 tracks-72 min) of compositions by turntablist Martin Tetreault. This publication represents a continuation of the last chapter of Encyclopaedia, a four-part choreographic series developed by lynda gaudreau between 1999 and 2005: 'The Encyclopaedia project consists of bringing together, in an extra-ordinary way, works and artists in time and space. For the duration of the event they will interact, converging within my own work.' DOCUMENT 4 gathered close to twenty artists working in dance, theatre and music. It contains texts written by the artists, visual material, illustrations of the turntable scores composed by Martin Tetreault for the project, and an audio CD, entitled Sound Data, that documents the development of this remarkable musical composition.' A really great work from Martin Tetreault.

1 stakkato no 2 (2004), 1:15
2 skating (2004), 2:05
3 quick stakkato (rose) (2004), 1:25
4 doc 4 research lab, spectacle (extrait) (2004), 9:49
5 lucie, lynda duo (2004), 5:10
6 tourne-disque no 1, sections 1-2-3 (2004), 1:01
7 tourne-disque no 2, sections 1-2-3 (2004), 1:01
8 tourne-disque no 3, sections 1-2-3 (2004), 1:05
9 tourne-disque no 4, sections 1-2-3 (2004), 1:04
10 tourne-disque no 5, sections 1-2-3 (2004), 1:04
11 doc 4, spectacle (extrait) (2004), 1:19
12 martin solo (2004), 10:18
13 lucie, lynda, martin trio (2004), 4:56
14 quick stakkato (rose) (2004), 1:16
15 switch no 2 + boîtier (2004), 4:59
16 stakkato no 2 [Excerpt] (2004), 0:34
17 skating + retenir (2004), 6:35
18 switch no 1 (rose) (2004), 0:26
19 plateau (2004), 6:13

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