V.A. : S​ó​lo una pobre canci​ó​n da vueltas por mi guitarra (Distorted AM/FM Radio Transmissions captured from Salsipuedes, Argentina)

  • Format: Tape [ZMY078]
  • Shipping Weight: 0.05lbs
  • Label: Zoomin' Night


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'I've always been captivated by the unique atmosphere of night radio shows.
I think it was around 2016 when I began recording some programs from an old radio in the kitchen of our house’s first floor. Winters were particularly cold and I’d brave the chill to make dinner. On those moments, I’d tune in to these distinct AM (and sometimes FM) radio transmissions broadcasting nationwide—a mix of music : folklore, tango, cuarteto, rock and other genres and a mix of talk shows that filled those late hours.
Argentina’s "Official Radio" often centers around two main topics: politics and football. My aim, though, was to document everything outside that intense duo, hoping to shed light on other subjects that reflect better our spirit.
Of course, Argentina is far more than this collection of sounds—perhaps distorted, perhaps incomplete—but through the crackling of my different radios, you might catch a glimpse of the voices and melodies that define a part of its character.

All sounds here are captured in Salsipuedes, between 2016 and 2023.

SIDE A - List or "Guide"
- Warming up. Melody with "Charango" (four string instrument)
-"La Compañía familiar" (¨cuarteto traditional¨ typical musical genre from Córdoba)
- Very old news about Diego Maradona
- Radio Collage Sounds recorded near a river
- Old man leaves a message for the radio to play a Carlos Gardel tango song called "Marioneta" (¨Marionette¨ in Spanish)
- National Radio Musical Separator
- Someone talks about how good is laughing for your health
- Distorted Folklore song that I don't know the name (or can't remember)
- Radio flash separator sounds
- Argentinian Rock song (interrupted by some words of the singer talking about Argentinian Dictatorship period when the song was released)
- ¨Latin music Loop
- Folklore music transmitted live from Radio in a school event
- Guest talks about cellphone and their prices in Argentina
- Piano Advice from the 90s
- Advertise from a loan company
- "Tarantella" (Very popular italian music played in Argentina)
- Catholic transmission from Catholic Radio AM
- "Zamba para olvidar", popular folklore song (from which we took a line for the title of this tape: "Sólo una Pobre canción da vueltas por mi guitarra". Means "Only a poor or sad song is spinning through my guitar")
- Radio Zapping and noises and church organ from catholic radios.

SIDE B - List or "Guide"
- Latin Jazz music loop
- Destroyed guitar tape
- Night music presentation of a program
- Haughty Folklore song that sings about a star from the sky
- Another Folklore song that I remember from childhood (and don't know the name!)
- Some recent news about Argentina (news from 2022-23)
- Long long radio joke telling from Luis Landriscina (a popular folklore "joker"). The joke situates a typical "healing" situation between a patient and someone that cures people as a farm "sorcerer"
- Folklore dance song that on the song tells about "coming out the house to dance"
- Phil Collins song in the night.
- Guest at show talks about birds
- "Astronomine Domine" by Pink Floyd being broadcasted
- Interview with the daughter of "Agustina", an old lady that is currently being evict from her own house.
- Instrumental and Classical folklore made by Ariel Ramirez

The photos are sourced from “Salsipuedes en el recuerdo”, a book published in the 1990s that captures life in Salsipuedes from the 1940s through the 1960s. The cover photo was taken in 1952 during a rally competition held in Córdoba, at a spot known as "Piedra Mora." The image on the spine depicts Salsipuede’s main street in 1965. The photo inside shows the first bus that made a direct journey from Salsipuedes to Buenos Aires, also in 1965. The snakes on cover and inside live in Salsipuedes and all the Córdoba Province.'

1. Lado A 19:25
2. Lado B 18:19

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